Foundations, Research, and Assessment of Fraternities and Sororities: Retrospective and Future Considerations

“This text is a must-read for anyone who works in Higher Education. Each chapter provides a well written account of the fraternity and sorority movement addressing the complex foundations of fraternities and sororities. The state of fraternity and sorority life has been, currently is and will probably always be challenged, however, there continues to be a need for such organizations on college campuses. As someone who works with college students on a daily basis and through my professional associations, I have learned so much from this publication and the rich history we all embrace.”

Jennifer Jones-Hall, Association of Fraternity and Sorority Advisors President, 1999, AFA Foundation Chairman, 2000-2002, Dean of Students, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale


Foundations, Research, and Assessment of Fraternities and Sororities is inspired by continuing conversations about the enduring challenges facing fraternities and sororities on campuses across the country. The co-editors curate contributions from scholars and noteworthy practitioners from across higher education to examine a variety of issues relating to the past and future construct of these institutions. The text begins with a historical section that provides a perspective on the origins of fraternities and sororities. Other sections look at such critical areas as values, legal issues, and research. Values are described regarding the values congruence movement and acknowledging emerging areas of the individual fraternity and sorority experience. Legal issues include freedom of speech, hazing law, and risk management. Additional profiles of large, national benchmark surveys are included, and the book concludes with a final overview of the state of fraternity/sorority scholarship. This volume will appeal to a broad readership made up of faculty, administrations and alumni/ae.

This book was positively reviewed in the Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research and Practice in Volume 17(2).


Supporting Fraternities and Sororities in the Contemporary Era


Student Activism in the Academy